Workshops organized by IAPR-TC3 and sponsored by IAPR (possibly, jointly with other Associations) aim at bringing together researchers who investigate theoretical aspects of artificial neural networks and computational intelligence, as well as their applications in the domain of pattern recognition. The IAPR-TC3 Workshops are focussed places of discussion, where we can meet each other, exchange ideas, and analyze recent advances and future directions in both their theoretical and applicative aspects. The following workshops have been organized by the IAPR-TC3 so far:
- ANNPR 2022 - Dubai Campus of Heriot-Watt University, Dubai, UAE
- ANNPR 2020 - ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland
- ANNPR 2018 - University of Siena, Italy
- ANNPR 2016 - University of Ulm, Germany
- ANNPR 2014 - Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
- PSL 2013 - Nanjing, China
- ANNPR 2012 - FBK, Trento, Italy
- PSL 2011 - Ulm University, Germany
- ANNPR 2010 - Nile University Cairo (Egypt)
- ANNPR 2008 - Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris (France)
- ANNPR 2006 - University of Ulm (Germany)
- NNLDAR 2005 - Seoul (Korea) Neural Networks and Learning in Document
Analysis and Recognition
- ANNPR 2003 - University of Florence (Italy)